Rewrwer Vewrvew, please read the updates to the PayPal User Agreement
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Rewrwer Vewrvew, read the changes to the PayPal User Agreement If this email is not displayed correctly, please click here Add to your address book so our newsletters won't be categorized as spam
Dear Rewrwer Vewrvew,
We’re constantly working to make PayPal safer, simpler and more convenient for our customers. This means that from time to time we have to make changes to the terms of our User Agreement. To make sure you are always informed we have posted recent updates on our website.
What do I need to do?
Click here Policy Update or type into a new browser window, go to 'Legal Agreements' at the bottom of the page and then click 'Policy Update'.
Please read the Policy Update carefully. It contains important legal information about when and how the changes to our User Agreement will become effective. Click here to read
If you agree to the changes, you don’t need to do anything as any updates will automatically come into effect. If you do not wish to accept the changes, we’ve also provided you with the steps you can take on the Policy Update page.
Please note that the current User Agreement will apply until these changes take effect.
Yours sincerely,
How do I know this is not a Spoof email? An email really coming from PayPal will address you by your first and last names or your business name. It will not ask you for sensitive information like your password, bank account or credit card details. Most fake emails threaten that your account will be in jeopardy if you do not take action immediately. An email that urgently requests you to supply sensitive personal information is usually an attempt at fraud. Also, fake emails often contain misspellings and grammatical errors or are written in a language which you did not set as preferred for your PayPal account. Remember not to click any links in suspicious looking emails. Click here to learn how to defend yourself against phishing and spoofing.
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